2.2 Guidelines for the Employment of Persons Holding Non-Immigrant Status

The Office of Human Resources will coordinate the College's role in helping persons holding non-immigrant status and needing assistance in either obtaining the proper immigration status for employment at Kenyon or applying for an extension of a current immigration status.

Kenyon desires to assist as much as possible in this process, but it is ultimately the responsibility of the prospective employee to produce the proper documentation to be legally employed in the United States and at Kenyon College.

  • Kenyon will contribute up to $2,500 in legal fees for a tenure-track faculty member to obtain the necessary employment authorization.
  • Kenyon will refer the faculty member to an attorney, or the faculty member is free to hire an attorney of his or her choosing and will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $2,500 in fees and expenses for the purposes of obtaining legal employment status.
  • Kenyon will not contribute to the cost of applying for permanent residency status (green card), except when there is money remaining from the initial $2,500, of which said remainder may be applied to legal fees associated with the application for permanent residency status. Any additional legal fees due for this purpose are the sole responsibility of the employee.
  • Kenyon will not contribute to the cost of obtaining legal employment status for those appointments which are temporary, such as visiting sabbatical replacement positions, nor will the College pay the legal expenses for permanent adjunct appointments.

Kenyon College reserves the right to grant exceptions or changes to the above guidelines where situations with extenuating circumstances are present and the best interests of the College would be served by doing so.

(edited 7/10/2012)