1824 1850

Sem Pellentesque Lorem

After becoming the first Episcopal Bishop of Ohio in 1818, Philander Chase found a severe lack of trained clergy on the Ohio frontier. He sailed to England and solicited donations from George Kenyon, Lord Gambier, and the writer and philanthropist Hannah More.

The college was incorporated in December, 1824. Dissatisfied with the original location of the college in Worthington, Chase purchased 8,000 acres (3,200 ha) of land in Knox County (with the Mount Vernon lawyer Henry Curtis), and reached what he would name Gambier Hill on July 24, 1825.



The Founding: Bishop Philander Chase establishes Kenyon at his home in Worthington, Ohio.

1850 1920

Writing and War

After becoming the first Episcopal Bishop of Ohio in 1818, Philander Chase found a severe lack of trained clergy on the Ohio frontier. He sailed to England and solicited donations from George Kenyon, Lord Gambier, and the writer and philanthropist Hannah More.



The First Fraternity: The Lambda Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon becomes Kenyon's first fraternity. Due to a ban on fraternities, the group is not recognized until 1854 when it also built the first fraternity house in the United States.