As a Kenyon student, off-campus study (OCS) opportunities include a variety of approved programs offered via StudioAbroad and the College-managed programs in Exeter and Rome. 

Find a Program


StudioAbroad is a platform that allows students to browse and search for approved off-campus study programs by location, partner institution, duration, area of study and other parameters.


The Kenyon-Exeter Program offers English majors the opportunity to study with British students and faculty at a top-ranked university under the familiar guidance of a member of the Kenyon English Department.


The Kenyon-Rome Program offers students the once-in-a-lifetime chance to study Italian art and culture up close, with extended visits to Florence, Naples, Sicily and other cultural centers in Italy.

Additional Information

When you interview for off-campus study and submit your OCS proposal, you must present compelling arguments explaining how the proposed work will complement your academic program at Kenyon. 

OCS participation is limited to approved programs listed in StudioAbroad with rare exceptions. Kenyon programs have significant priority. While some U.S.-based programs are included in OCS, regular enrollment in U.S. colleges or universities is excluded from the OCS process.

Please note that, with few exceptions, Kenyon approval does not determine admission to the OCS programs themselves. Admissions decisions rest with the program provider or host university. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware that the level of competition varies greatly among programs and from year-to-year. It is to your advantage to contact the program provider as early as possible to determine your competitiveness as an applicant and to decide on an appropriate application strategy.

Phone Number
Email Address
Hoehn-Saric House
207 Chase Avenue
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022