Rima Sadek joined the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures after receiving her Ph.D. in comparative literature from the University of South Carolina. Rima teaches Arabic language, literature and literary theory classes.

Her research interests include contemporary Arab women’s literature, critical theory, postmodern literature, feminist theories and methodologies, gender studies and queer studies.

Areas of Expertise

Comparative literature, Arabic studies and critical theory


2018 — Doctor of Philosophy from Univ South Carolina Columbia

2010 — Master of Arts from Univ Balamand

Courses Recently Taught

This is a yearlong course for students who are beginning the study of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). The main objective of the course is to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in MSA. Part of the first semester concentrates on the Arabic alphabetic writing system, pronunciation, basic conversation and an introduction to Arabic grammar. Classwork includes dictation, group conversations, listening exercises and activities focused on developing written skills. Online audio and visual materials are used to reinforce communication and vocabulary building, to expose students to authentic language resources and to help students practice inside and outside of the class. Instruction will include an introduction to the customs and cultures of the Arabic-speaking world. Students enrolled in this course will be automatically added to ARBC 102Y for the spring semester. No prerequisite. Offered every fall semester.

This is a continuation of the introduction to Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Objectives of the course continue to be the development of skills in writing, reading, listening and speaking. There is increased emphasis on vocabulary and grammar. Classwork includes oral participation (speaking in class, both alone and in groups), active writing activities and exercises in listening and reading comprehension. Students are expected to use online and extracurricular resources (provided by the instructor) to improve their skills and complete assignments. Some elements of Arabic dialect will be introduced, but the focus will be on MSA. By the end of the second semester, students will understand basic grammatical concepts and communicate at a novice-high level. Prerequisite: ARBC 101Y or equivalent or permission of instructor. Offered every spring semester.

This is the first half of a yearlong course for students who are beginning the study of Arabic and have minimal or no prior exposure to the language. The first semester introduces students to the Arabic language and culture in all four modalities: speaking, reading, listening and writing across the three communicative modes: interpretive, interpersonal and presentational. Part of the first semester concentrates on the Arabic alphabetic writing system, pronunciation, basic conversation and an introduction to basic Arabic grammar. Classwork includes dictation, group conversations, listening exercises and activities focused on developing reading and writing skills. There is increased focus on vocabulary and grammar during the second half of the semester. Online audio and visual materials are used to reinforce communication and vocabulary building, to expose students to authentic language resources and to help them practice inside and outside of the class. Students are also expected to complete assignments outside of class. Instruction includes an introduction to the customs and cultures of the Arabic-speaking world. This course follows the integrated approach teaching model (Modern Standard Arabic and the Levantine dialect) and includes required practice sessions with a teaching assistant. Students enrolled in this course are automatically enrolled in ARBC 112Y for the spring semester. No prerequisite. Offered every fall semester.

This is the second half of a yearlong course, a continuation of ARBC 111Y. As in the first semester, the work includes practice of the Arabic language in all four modalities: speaking, writing, reading and listening across the three communicative modes: interpretive, interpersonal and presentational. This course develops students’ communicative competence in the Arabic language and their understanding of the Arabic culture. Classwork includes reading comprehension activities, vocabulary building activities, giving presentations in Arabic, listening to authentic audio, and guided class discussion in the target language. As in the first-half course, this class follows the integrated approach teaching model (Modern Standard Arabic and the Levantine dialect). Students are expected to use online and extracurricular resources (some provided by the instructor) to help improve their skills and complete assignments outside of class. This course includes required practice sessions with a teaching assistant. Prerequisite: ARBC 111Y or equivalent with permission of instructor. Offered every spring semester.

The main objective of the course is to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) at the intermediate-novice level. Classwork includes reading comprehension activities, vocabulary building activities, giving presentations in Arabic, listening to authentic texts and guided class discussion in the target language. Students will conduct a research project using MSA as the medium for research and presentation. Students are expected to use online and extracurricular resources (some provided by the instructor) to help improve their skills and complete assignments outside of class. Prerequisite: ARBC 102Y or equivalent or permission of instructor. Offered every fall semester.

The main objective of the course is to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) at the intermediate level. Classwork includes reading authentic texts, vocabulary building, presenting research in Arabic, listening to authentic media (such as news, films and television programs) and class discussion in the target language. Students are expected to use online and extracurricular resources to improve their skills and complete assignments outside of class. By the end of Intermediate Arabic II, students will be able to communicate at the intermediate level and will have the ability to recognize different genres of literature, read newspapers with the use of a dictionary and comprehend basic information from media resources without the use of a dictionary. Prerequisite: ARBC 201 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Offered every spring semester.

This course introduces students to the theory and practice of translation. It is inspired by the Language Across the Curriculum approach and aims to allow the students of the discipline to extend their knowledge of Arabic, and study and research translation as both a field of study and a venue for practicing and improving their language skills. Sessions are designed primarily as practice workshops. Class is conducted in Arabic, and advanced knowledge of Arabic is required. Prerequisite: ARBC 321.

This course offers an opportunity to study on an individual basis an area of special interest — literary, cultural or linguistic — under the regular supervision of a faculty member. It is offered primarily to candidates for honors, to majors and, under special circumstances, to potential majors and minors. Individual study is intended to supplement, not to take the place of, regular courses in the curriculum of each language program. Staff limitations restrict this offering to a very few students. To enroll in an individual study, a student must identify a member of the MLL department willing to direct the project and, in consultation with him or her, write a one-page proposal for the IS, which must be approved by the department chair before it can go forward. The proposal should specify the schedule of reading and/or writing assignments and the schedule of meeting periods. The amount of work in an IS should approximate that required on average in regular courses of corresponding levels. Typically, an IS earns the student 0.25 or 0.5 units of credit. At a minimum, the department expects the student to meet with the instructor one hour per week. Because students must enroll for individual studies by the end of the seventh class day of each semester, they should begin discussion of the proposed individual study by the semester before, so that there is time to devise the proposal and seek departmental approval.