Kenyon recognizes a broad range of current and future gifts, extended over several years, as part of an individual’s 50th reunion gift. Your gifts, whether designated for annual or endowment purposes and future gifts established through estate plan provisions and other vehicles all count toward the individual and class total.

Ways to Give

  • Make a gift to one of our annual funds, including those that provide immediate scholarship and financial support to students, through
  • Give to or create an endowment fund to support your priorities at Kenyon. For more information on these types of major gifts contact Shayna Daubert, director of the 50th Reunion Program.
  • Leave a legacy by including Kenyon in your will like the many members of our George Wharton Marriott Society. To learn more about estate gifts, visit our planned giving website or contact Kate Daleiden, director of planned giving. 

Alumni Spotlights

Shayna Daubert

Director of 50th Reunion Programs
Phone Number
Email Address
College Relations 221