A Season of Planning

Manager Bethany McCarty describes future plans for the Kenyon Farm.

This summer has been a season of planning for the future of the Kenyon Farm. Since stepping into the role of farm manager in May of this year, I have spent time observing and dissecting every aspect of the farm and I am working on putting together a comprehensive plan that will take the farm in a production-focused direction. The plan includes new infrastructure to help with efficiency of production, new opportunities and enterprises for experiential learning, cultivating relationships with the community, and practicing sustainable farming methods to regenerate the soil.

Pictured above: Student farmers harvested basil and delivered it to AVI Dining Services. The basil will be made into pesto and served in Peirce Dining Hall throughout the year. Scroll down for additional pictures.

“Since stepping into the role of farm manager in May of this year, I have spent time observing and dissecting every aspect of the farm and I am working on putting together a comprehensive plan that will take the farm in a production-focused direction.”

Bethany McCarty
Farm Manager

The student farmers have been busy this summer cleaning and organizing around the farm, caring for our animals, broadforking and planting cover crops to promote healthy soil, and maintaining two garden plots and our raised beds currently in vegetable production. The student farmers have also participated in Regional Ohio Action for Resilience (ROAR) Academy where they experienced hands-on learning about bioregional regeneration through excursions and gathered with students from other colleges located in Central Ohio. A few weeks ago, the Kenyon Farm hosted ROAR Academy, where we gave a farm tour to share our agricultural practices that support sustainability and soil regeneration, harvested garlic, and ended the day with a float down the Kokosing River.