Cases on the rise, campus moving to Activity Level 2


Dear Kenyon staff, students and families,

A week ago, we moved the campus to Activity Level 1, based on a decline in cases on campus and in Knox County. Since then cases have risen again precipitously among students; 23 positive tests were reported between Wednesday and Sunday, and 85 more were reported on Monday and Tuesday. We currently have 88 students in isolation, well in excess of our off-campus isolation housing capacity, and many students must now, of necessity, isolate in their room. No additional cases have been reported among employees.

This rapid rise in cases demonstrates how quickly the Omicron variant can spread, but it also shows us that we were able to limit the spread of the virus through the first three weeks of the semester by doing what we know works: consistently using well-fitted masks and limiting our exposure to situations that foster the spread of the virus. Effective today, February 16, at noon, we are moving to Campus Activity Level 2. Masks are required inside all public spaces, including student residences, except for in a student's own room, while actively eating, while exerting themselves during exercise, and while working alone in a private space. All planned events may still proceed in-person, though remote options could be considered when convenient, and gatherings in residential space are limited to one guest per resident, with masks required. In one modification, Peirce will remain open for indoor dining to students but not employees. We will consider a return to Activity Level 1 when case numbers have stabilized at a low level, but we also want to avoid the “whiplash” of rapidly changing guidance.

We had hoped to avoid an outbreak on campus this semester, but we remain confident that the community will take the necessary steps to care for one another and limit further spread. We will all weather this surge together.


Drew Kerkhoff
Associate Provost and Professor of Biology
Chair of the COVID-19 Steering Committee