The Kenyon Ten: Chevaugn Campbell

E. Malcolm Anderson Cup winner Chevaugn Campbell ’24, shares his love for chemistry, music and Jamaica.


Chevaugn Campbell ’24 on Honors Day (photo by Graham Stokes).

Winner of the E. Malcolm Anderson Cup for his contributions to Kenyon this year, Chevaugn Campbell ’24 has made an impact in a number of spaces on campus. He has provided support for students as Student Council’s vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion, and acts as a mentor as president of Men of Color and a member of the International Society at Kenyon and the Black Student Union. A chemistry major who was recognized on Honors Day with the Carl Djerassi Award in Chemistry, he also advises students on acclimating to the department. 

Besides Gambier, where is your favorite place in the world to be?

Kingston, Jamaica. Gambier is my home away from home, but nothing really compares to the island paradise that I have been lucky to call home for the first 20 years of my life.

Why did you come to Kenyon?

To work on my writing. As a chemist, I knew that I could get the chemistry skills no matter where I went, but I needed a school that could incorporate writing into my chemistry courses. Kenyon fit that description really well.

Fill in the blank: My experience at Kenyon would not be the same without ______.

The people. My strong relationships with friends, faculty and staff across the board has really helped me to make the most of my time here. 

What is your favorite Kenyon tradition?

Never splitting the pole! While it first began with just the Gates of Hell, I’ve come to realize that I instinctively avoid splitting the pole wherever I go, even off campus.

What Kenyon class would you love to take — again or for the first time?

MUSC 207 (Music and the African American Experience) with Professor of Music Reginald Sanders. I went into this class not really knowing much about either. After taking more classes focusing on music and African American history, I wish that I could go back with the knowledge I have now because I think I would have a deeper appreciation and understanding for the material.

If there was a soundtrack to your Kenyon experience, what song would be on repeat? 

I don't think I can pinpoint a single song, but my time here has been a blessing every day, so I think I'll go with "Best Day of My Life" by American Authors.

Where do you find satisfaction outside of your work?

I find satisfaction in enjoying things in the present. I know that sounds a bit mundane, but I think that many wonderful things have slipped by me in the past because I was too busy focusing on the future. These days, I enjoy just taking things in when they happen, such as going on walks, enjoying the first few buds in spring or enjoying what may be the last crunch of snow under my boots that I'll feel on campus. 

What is something interesting that you have read recently?

I'm a huge sci-fi fan, and I recently started to read "Red Mars" by Kim Stanley Robinson. I haven't read much hard sci-fi media that explores Mars as a setting, and this book has definitely opened my eyes to a whole new world (pun intended). I'm hyped to finish it and then delve into the rest of the trilogy!

What new skill would you like to learn?

I would like to learn how to play an instrument — ideally a guitar! They’re really cheap and affordable, so I think it’d be the best for a future grad student traveling internationally a few times a year. If I can’t carry it with me, I can get multiple ones.

What is the best piece of advice that you've ever been given?

While talking to one of my family friends, they told me something that has really stuck with me and gotten me through the majority of the hurdles that I have faced in the past three years. They said, "If getting a degree was easy, it wouldn't be worth anything." At first, this felt like lip service, but as I went along through my chemistry pathway, I found that my hardest classes gave me the most satisfaction, and I slowly started to truly adopt that sentence into my perspective on life at Kenyon.

The Kenyon Ten is an occasional question-and-answer feature that highlights students, faculty and staff.