This guide only applies to course backups done on the Moodle archive for 2006-11 at To backup courses from that site, follow the first section of this Reusing your Moodle Course guide, titled Creating the Backup.
- After downloading the backup, unzip the file. Users with Apple computers running OS X 10.5 or newer, or Windows computers running Windows XP or newer, can open .zip files by simply double-clicking on the .zip file.
- Open backup folder.
- Open the moddata folder.
- The moddata folder contains separate folders for each activity to which a student could submit files in the Moodle course. Within each activity folder you’ll find folders for every activity of that type on the Moodle page. Each activity folder is labeled with an internal Moodle number and each student who submitted to that activity is represented by a folder labeled with that student’s Moodle ID number. To retrieve student files, open the student folders within the activity folders. Note that you can only identify the author of a document if they put their name in the title or in the document, or if it exists in the properties for the file.