If you have any problems logging in to submit grades, please contact Helpline at 740-427-5700. Enter grades at mybanner.kenyon.edu.
Notice: Student transcripts will be unavailable on Personal Access Pages beginning the day grades are due until grades are made available to students. This may be several days. Please plan accordingly.
Once logged in:
- From your menu click on "Faculty and Advisors"
- Choose "Final Grades"
- Select the appropriate term code from the drop-down list and click "Submit Term"
- Select the course from your drop-down list of courses and click "Submit CRN."
The first 25 students enrolled in the course will appear (scroll down to view). For the next 25, click on "26-?" at the bottom of the list. Enter your grades in the "Grade" column only.
Team taught courses: Only the primary instructor has access to grade entry via the web. If you will be entering the grades for the course, please call the Registrar's Office to ensure you have access to do so.
To enter grades:
In the "Grade" column, click on the drop-down list for each student and select the grade (remember to enter information only in the GRADE column).
We recommend clicking the "Submit" button frequently while entering your grades. Be sure to do so again when you finish. You can change the grades you have entered on the web as long as the column titled "Rolled" is marked "N" for the student. When all of your grades for a class have been saved there will be a message thanking you for entering your grades.
Be sure to select a new course once you complete the first. Please DON'T FORGET to enter grades for your Individual Study students!
For those having difficulty entering grades on the web, please email the grades to the Registrar, Ellen Harbourt. The office is closed between Christmas and New Year. If Personal Access Pages are down, please, contact Campus Safety so they may alert the appropriate person.