While Kenyon does not provide diagnostic testing services, we want to provide the following information about such services to assist those with questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact SASS if you have questions about diagnostic testing or if you would like to talk through the process or your options.

Learning Disability Testing

Learning disability testing is conducted when a student has a question about how they learn, why certain tasks are harder than others, if they have a learning disability, how to maximize their learning strengths, and other academic-related learning questions. This type of testing may also be called "diagnostic testing," "psychoeducational testing" or "educational testing." This type of testing is conducted by a licensed professional, usually a psychologist, and consists of several different tests that look at memory, processing, verbal/non-verbal abilities, writing, visual tasks, attention/focus, reading and other skills needed for academic tasks. You will sit in a private room with the tester, who will guide you through a series of tasks, some of which are timed, some are written, some are oral, some are visual. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) are assessed using a combination of in-person interview and self-assessment scales.  

Cost for testing services varies by the provider, and can also depend upon your health insurance. You will want to contact your insurance provider to confirm coverage and costs. Some insurance policies will require in network providers. Students are encouraged to make an appointment to talk with SASS staff if you have further questions about testing options, payment, cost and/or insurance. If cost is a barrier for you in moving forward with testing, please come talk to us — we may have resources to assist you.

Please note that students who have been referred for any type of testing are eligible for interim academic accommodations through SASS.

Referral options for students seeking a testing referral for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Learning Disability (LD) neuropsychological evaluation include the following:

  • On-line evaluation with the Providers for Healthy Living (PFHL).
  • In-person ADHD or comprehensive neuropsychological testing.
  • Students can opt to have evaluations done by home providers.

PFHL Online Referrals

ADHD testing can be done completely virtually with access to a computer. There are a series of computerized tests you will need to complete on your own time aside from the virtual interview. The interview takes about an hour and the computerized test, which students complete at home on their own time, will take about 30 minutes. PFHL offers virtual follow-up appointments if  students have questions about the specifics of the results. ASD testing requires an in-person interview/visit in addition to the on-line testing.

In-person Referrals in Ohio

In-person testing requires the student to arrange transportation on their own. SASS can assist with transportation if needed. Testing typically requires two office visits which will last approximately 3-4 hours each. There will also be a third follow up visit that can be arranged remotely or in-person.

The college is committed to providing financial support for students who would find the cost of either virtual or in-person testing prohibitive. Please contact SASS regarding funding to support out of pocket costs for qualified need based students.

Phone Number
Email Address
Chalmers Library 220 (second floor)
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022
Fax: 740-427-5523