The Biology Seminar Series:

  • exposes students to an important form of scientific communication: the research seminar.
  • provides an opportunity for students and faculty to interact with the scientists from other institutions.
  • allows students to meet informally with speakers in small groups or at dinner to discuss science, careers, and research.
  • encourages students to begin joining in scientific dialogue by asking questions during and after seminars.

Spring 2023

  • Feb. 2 at 11:10 a.m. via Zoom: Vanessa Richards M.S., Ph.D. candidate in molecular biology and genetics at the University of Delaware, "Uncovering lysogenic bacteriophages in soybean bradyrhizobia."
  • March 21 at 11:10 a.m. in Higley Auditorium: Chris Tonra from The Ohio State University, "Goatsuckers on the Move: Migration and Winter Ecology of the Midwest’s Eastern Whip-poor-wills."
  • April 4 at 11:10 a.m. in Higley Auditorium: Neetha Iyer, visiting assistant professor of anthropology; University of CA - Davis, Ph.D. candidate, "Exploring Connections Among Individuals, Social Groups, and Populations of Grauer's gorillas: Insights into Social Behavior, Parasite Transmission, and Demography."

Previous Seminars

Recordings of previous speakers will be available via Google Drive (please note that recordings are only accessible to current students, faculty and staff).

Phone Number
Email Address
Department of Biology 
Higley Hall 
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 4302