Kenyon College has implemented a purchasing card program for Kenyon-approved travel, entertainment and procurement related expenditures.

It may be used with any supplier that accepts MasterCard and is not on the restricted list. Funds expended with the card are Kenyon's funds and will have no impact on the cardholder's personal credit. Although the card lists an individual's name, the card is actually issued to Kenyon College.

The purpose of the purchasing card is to establish a more efficient, cost effective method of paying our vendors, eradicating most short form and blanket purchase orders, reducing small dollar transactions, and eliminating a portion of personal fund reimbursements to employees.

Only full-time employees of Kenyon College are eligible to receive a purchasing card. Students, student employees, contractors or temporary employees are not eligible. The department chair, working with the Finance Office, determines how many employees in the department should be issued cards.

Please review the Purchasing Card Policy thoroughly before requesting authorization from your department chair.

Purchasing Card Forms

Monthly Cover Sheet
Cardholder Information Change Request
Lost/Stolen Card Notification
Missing Receipt Form
Purchasing Card Cancellation Request
Transaction Dispute Form Continuation Sheet
Limit Change Request Form
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification