Event Advertising

Kenyon Master Calendar

  • Go to calendar.kenyon.edu.

  • On the right side of the page, click the “Login.”

  • Sign in with your email username and password.

  • Select “Submit an Event” and add your event with as many details as possible.

Email Advertising

Student organizations should focus email advertising to the student-info@kenyon.edu email distribution list. All email submissions require moderation, therefore, there is often a slight delay in the email being sent. 

Student-info will be monitoring submitted messages throughout the business day, normally Monday through Friday, from the times of 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Any messages sent past these designated times will be reviewed the following business day.

PLEASE NOTE: student-info is not closely monitored on the weekend or when the College is closed. Some messages may be denied if the the content is no longer relevant.