What You Can Expect From Kenyon College
What You Can Expect From Kenyon College
Kenyon College's established employee relations policy is to:
1. Operate an economically viable institute of higher learning so that a consistent level of steady work is available.
2. Select people on the basis of skill, training, ability, attitude, and character without discrimination with regard to age, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, political belief, or disability that does not prohibit performance of essential job functions.
3. Pay all employees according to their effort and contribution to the success of our educational mission.
4. Review wages, employee benefits and working conditions periodically with the objective of providing maximum benefits in these areas, consistent with sound business practices.
5. Provide paid vacations and holidays to all eligible employees.
6. Provide eligible employees with medical, disability, retirement and other benefits.
7. Dedicate ourselves to Kenyon's overall achievement and success.
8. Develop competent people who understand and meet our objectives, and who accept with open minds the ideas, suggestions, and constructive criticisms of fellow employees.
9. Assure employees, after talking with their supervisor, an opportunity to discuss any problem with the appropriate senior level division head.
10. Make prompt and fair adjustment of any complaints which may arise in the everyday conduct of our business, to the extent that is practicable.
11. Respect individual rights, and treat all employees with courtesy and consideration.
12. Maintain mutual respect in our working relationship.
13. Provide buildings and offices that are attractive, comfortable, orderly, and safe.
14. Promote employees on the basis of their ability and merit.
15. Make promotions or fill vacancies from within Kenyon College whenever possible.
16. Keep all employees informed of the progress of Kenyon College, as well as our continuing overall aims and objectives.
17. Do all these things in a spirit of friendliness and cooperation so that Kenyon College will continue to be known as "a great place to work!"