
Internal theft can be a serious problem for Kenyon College. Although taking small items of College property many seem inconsequential, the cumulative effect can be very large. Stealing from the College is like stealing from yourself. Losses from theft immediately affect our ability to increase salaries and can jeopardize our ability to run an economically viable educational institution.

Property theft of any type will not be tolerated by Kenyon. We consider property theft to be the unauthorized use of College services or facilities or the taking of any College property for personal use. The following list of examples is not all-inclusive, but provides illustrations of several activities which are unacceptable.

Use of College copy machines for personal use. The office copiers are not provided as a free service to employees. If you wish to use a College copier for personal use, please follow the established procedure to reimburse Kenyon. Failure to do so is a form of property theft.

Taking of company property. No item purchased or supplied by Kenyon should ever be removed from College premises without express authorization of your immediate supervisor and the proper paper work associated with the situation. This rule applies to all College property including equipment, tools, computers, and even pens and paper. Your supervisor has been given detailed instructions on the circumstances in which they can authorize you to borrow College equipment or to take samples of your work home. A checkout procedure will be used, and if you fail to return any item removed on schedule, the value of the items will be charged against your paycheck and you may be subject to disciplinary action for theft.

Penalty Clause. Unauthorized possession or removal of College property is a very serious offense. Employees violating this policy will be subjected to discipline up to and including possible dismissal and prosecution. Kenyon College will consider the dollar value of the item(s) taken, the employee's seniority, and the employee's past work record in setting penalties.