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The Benefits Package

In addition to receiving an equitable salary and having an equal opportunity for professional development and advancement, you may be eligible to enjoy other benefits which will enhance your job satisfaction. We are certain that you will agree that the benefits program described in this Handbook represents a very large investment by Kenyon College, and we trust that you will avoid abusing any of the program's benefits.

A good benefits program is a solid investment in Kenyon College and its employees. It not only insures the loyalty of long-time capable employees, it also helps to attract talented newcomers who can help Kenyon grow. Kenyon will periodically review the benefits program and will make modifications as appropriate to the College's condition.

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Eligibility for Benefits

If you are an employee regularly working more than 1,000 hours in a twelve-month period, you will enjoy all of the benefits described in this handbook as soon as you meet the eligibility requirements for each particular benefit.

If you are an employee working less than 1,000 hours in a twelve-month period, you will enjoy only those benefits which are required by law to be afforded to you, provided that you meet the minimum requirements set forth by law and in the benefit plan(s).

Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits.

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