
Maintaining the security of Kenyon College buildings and vehicles is every employee's responsibility. Develop habits that insure security as a matter of course. For example:

  • Always keep cash properly secured. If you are aware that cash is insecurely stored, immediately inform the person responsible.
  • Know the location of all alarms and fire extinguishers, and familiarize yourself with the proper procedure for using them, should the need arise.
  • When you leave Kenyon's premises make sure that all entrances are properly locked and secured.

The College has an Escort Service available to the entire Kenyon community. Simply call the Office of Safety at 1-740-427-5000 to make escort arrangements. An officer will gladly walk you to your destination on campus. Do not walk alone at night.

Emergencies on campus can be reported by dialing 1-740-427-5555 from a College telephone. There are blue-light emergency phones throughout the campus for reporting matters that range from suspicious activity and medical emergencies to fires and requests for escorts. A safety officer will be automatically dispatched to the telephone where the call was placed.