Safety Rules

Safety is everybody's business. Safety is to be given primary importance in every aspect of planning and performing all Kenyon College activities. We want to protect you against injury and illness, as well as minimize the potential loss of work time.

Please report all injuries (no matter how slight) to your supervisor immediately, as well as anything that needs repair or is a safety hazard.

Below are some general safety rules. Your supervisor or department head may post other safety procedures in your department or work area:

*Avoid overloading electrical outlets with too many appliances or machines.

*Use flammable items, such as cleaning fluids, with caution.

*Walk - don't run.

*Use stairs one at a time.

*Report to your supervisor if you or a co-worker becomes ill or is injured.

*Ask for assistance when lifting heavy objects or moving heavy furniture.

*Keep cabinet doors and file and desk drawers closed when not in use.

*Sit firmly and squarely in chairs that roll or tilt.

*Wear or use appropriate safety equipment as required in your work.

*Avoid "horseplay" or practical jokes.

*Start work on any machine only after safety procedures and requirements have been explained (and you understand them.)

*Use air hoses only for the use intended. Avoid blowing air at yourself or anyone else.

*Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, like shoes, hats, gloves, goggles, spats, hearing protectors, etc., in designated areas or when working on an operation which requires their use.

*Keep your work area clean and orderly, and the aisles clear.

*Stack materials only to safe heights.

*Watch out for the safety of fellow employees.

*Use the right tool for the job, and use it correctly.

*Wear gloves whenever handling castings, scrap, barrels, etc.

*Operate motorized equipment only if authorized by your immediate supervisor. All operators must be licensed by Kenyon.

Remember, failure to adhere to these rules could be considered serious infractions of safety rules and will result in disciplinary actions.